CO2.Earth is produced by Mike McGee. The site is mostly self-funded by Mike and his spouse, Traci. Mike's friend Bill has managed the Facebook page since it was launched in September 2011. A few dozen people have contributed writing, donations and technical services. CO2.Earth is a small citizen-led initiative.
Core content found at CO2.Earth is ultimately the product of science. Understanding of the global carbon cycle and the larger earth system have developed significantly over the past two centuries. This includes the work of notable scientists Svante Arrhenius and Charles David Keeling. More contemporary data and knowledge is found at notable institutions such as Scripps, NOAA, the Met Office, CSIRO, NASA, the Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Global Carbon Project and Climate Interactive. CO2.Earth operates independently of these institutions to bring many of Earth's 'big planetary numbers' together in a context that is easy to understand. Anyone wanting to explore the data and information at CO2.Earth are encouraged to look at the rich collection of data and information available online from these and other institutions.
CO2.Earth would not be possible without the scientific data and information that they make publicly accessible. Technologically, it would not be possible without the cumulative contributions of programmers and developers worldwide who are part of the open source software movement.
CO2.Earth is proud to take its place as a founding member of the community of new community of .earth websites. These sites come with a pledge to do away things that harm earth and its inhabitants. CO2.Earth helps people see emissions harms, scientific advice to do away with them, and pathways for doing that.
In short, CO2.Earth is a part-time operations with a skeleton crew. And it's part of a much larger human enterprise to learn about the earth and learning to improve the human-nature relationship.
Individuals acknolwedged here is a partial list of people who assisted and advanced the project in a variety of ways.
Sonia Marin, Web Development (Spain)
Jack Luis. Media Advice (Canada)
Bill James, Technical Advice (Canada)
Rajendra Tiwari, Web Development (India)