This page of data links was started to help you find the source dataset you are looking for.


CO2 Data  |  Years 0 to 2014


Datasets are compiled by the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science (IAC) at Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule in Zürich, Switzerland.


IAC Switzerland  Global CO2 Yearly [excel]

IAC Switzerland  Global CO2 Monthly [excel]


CO2 Data Pages


Scripps UCSD  Mauna Loa CO2 Data  +  Primary Mauna Loa CO2 

NOAA-ESRL  Trends in CO2  +  CO2 Data  Yearly CO2  +  Monthly CO2  +   Daily CO2


More Data and Info


NOAA-NCDC  Ice core datasets at the World Data Center

NOAA-NCDC  Paleoclimate datasets

NOAA-NCDC  Climate data online (including recent data)