Citations and references across the CO2 Earth webiste are aggregated below.  Information in square brackets identify pages where the citation appears.  This list is being expanded incrementally and, at present, it is not a comprehensive list of all citations made on the site.  


McGee, M.J. (2017). Learning for planetary habitability: A lived experience study with senior Earth system scientists. (Master's Thesis, Royal Roads University, Victoria, Canada). Retrieved from  [Daily CO2]

NOAA-ESRL, GMD. (2020, January 26). Weclome to the Mauna Loa Observatory. (Webpage). Retrieved from [Daily CO2]

Tans, P., & Bolin, B. (2006). In memory of Charles David Keeling. Tellus: Series B, 329-330. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0889.2006.00194.x [Daily CO2

Volk, T. (2008). COrising: The world's greatest environmental challenge (2010 paperback ed.). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [Daily CO2